Notices of Week of 3 February 2025

Messy Church will be be held this Saturday, 8 February, 4.00 pm – 5.45 pm!
Messy Church is about Family, Community and Faith in Jesus.
It’s an opportunity for ALL the family to come together – to do some activities based around a theme, to celebrate that theme in a gathering, and then to eat a meal together.
Messy Church is for everyone, but is especially for people who don’t already belong to another form of church and offers an alternative to families who, for what ever reason, may not find a Sunday service appropriate.
Come and get messy!!
Christianity Explored
Holy Trinity is determined to give anyone the opportunity to grow in their faith. We have a full programme of courses planned in 2025. Our next course (Christianity Explored) starts 19 February at 7 pm. Details here: Christianity Explored Everyone is welcome and if you can bring a friend – even better! Remember this is an opportunity to ask any question you have about Jesus and the Christian faith.
Valentine’s Evening Quiz Friday 14th February 7.00 pm in Holy Trinity Arches. Tickets available soon,£10 to include a Supper. The Quiz is in support of Christian Aid and their work in Gaza and 25 countries around the World. Poster here.
Men of the Dales 2025 will be held from 28 February – 2 March at York Pavilion Hotel. See here for details.
On 1 March, Fiddle Fingers are having their main event for this year. This will be a day focusing on dance music at North Stainley Village Hall. There will be 3 workshops planned in Morris, Tudor and Rock ‘n Roll dance, and the event is open to anyone, adults and accompanied children alike. Tickets can be obtained from me or on the door if booked in advance. Flyer here.
Just a reminder that during the vacancy, Thursday communion will be held on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays of the month.
Lord Jesus, we know you have plans for Holy Trinity Church here in Ripon and we trust that those plans are good. Holy Spirit guide those who are seeking the right minister to be our next vicar and those who are seeking the right next step in their ministry. For Your kingdom in this place. Amen.
Monday 17th February 7 pm – Section 11 meeting for all PCC
Thursday 20th March 7 pm – Section 12 meeting for all PCC
Wednesday 7th May – Advert goes live
Sunday 15th June – Closing date for applications.
Wednesday 18th June – Shortlisting
Thursday 3rd July – Interview day at Trinity.
Please pray for:-
- to build mental health support for children and young people, families and parents in Ripon and the surrounding villages.
- for our child and adult clients to find healing through their counselling
Staff and Volunteers
- as they adjust to recent restructuring and operational change, for strength and fortitude
- for the team as they deliver the training programme for 2025
Development and Partnership
- for strengthening of relationships with churches, organisations and supporters
Mission Partner Information
CMS Newsletter from Andy & Kati Walsh
In2Out January Newsletter
A message from In2Out:
A very special thank you to everyone at Holy Trinity Ripon for your support of In2Out, particularly providing a pledge for our Big Give Christmas Challenge campaign. This, along with pledges from other churches, got the ball rolling for matching funds and as a result the campaign raised close to £29,000 including Gift Aid. All funds will go towards providing resettlement mentoring for In2Out participants.
Local churches have also helped provide Christmas Gift Bags to the young people in HMYOI Wetherby. With their support, the Chaplaincy Team at HMYOI Wetherby and In2Out staff and volunteers were able to distribute 150 gift bags to every young person in custody, in addition to gifts for the prison staff and for our participants in the community.
Reflecting on the people that had donated the gifts, one young person said, “Nice of them to take the time to think about us in prison. It’s heart touching. Nice to know people care, innit.” Whilst another shared, “The gift bags were brilliant! I got more in the bag than I did off my parents. It means a lot.”
Thank you so much for your prayers, kindness and generosity towards In2Out and the young people we support.
Artizan International January Newsletter
Wellspring Prayer Points December
Kajo-Keji Projects Delivering Hope
CAP – Latest News CAP North Headlines
Lake Rukwa Supporting Ministry in the Diocese Leeds Comparison
Other Events and Activities at Holy Trinity
To find out a full listing of what is happening please scroll down the list below to see all our activities and services.
This Week’s Services:
Monday to Thursday
8.30 am Morning Prayer everyone welcome over ZOOM
11.30 am Holy Communion in Room 3
This Sunday : Hannah’s Prayer
1 Samuel 1.1-20
Luke 1.46-55
9.00 am Holy Communion in church
10.30 am Holy Communion in church
10.30 am Family Church downstairs
Other News
SASRA Newsletter
Saltshaker Newsletter
Ram Prasad Newsletter
Rainbow Care Group Flyer Advert
Dementia Forward January Newsletter
Spring Harvest, 7 – 11 April 2025 – booking open Details here
Ripon Cathedral latest news Ripon Cathedral Newsletter