During Our Vacancy

During the vacancy our Church Wardens: Kathryn and Dan assume responsibility for church matters. But we have a number of other staff and volunteers taking key roles that will ensure all our services, activities and events continue to flourish.
The Appointment Process
A plan has already been established to appoint a new Vicar. We are hoping that if everything goes smoothly we could have a new Vicar in the autumn. The following dates have been agreed. These have been provided to give you information – but of course we would also appreciate it if you could pray for the PCC and those involved in these meetings and when the time comes for the prospective candidates too.
Here is the programme:
Monday 20th January 7pm Pre section 11 meeting for all PCC
Saturday 1st February PCC Away Day
Monday 17th February 7 pm Section 11 meeting for all PCC
Thursday 20th March 7 pm Section 12 meeting for all PCC
Wednesday 7th May Advert goes live
Sunday 15th June Closing date for applications.
Wednesday 18th June Shortlisting
Early July Interviews
Please pray for Holy Trinity Church at this time. Here is a suggested prayer that you might use:
Lord Jesus, we know you have plans for Holy Trinity Church here in Ripon and we trust that those plans are good. Holy Spirit guide those who are seeking the right minister to be our next vicar, and those who are seeking the right next step in their ministry. For Your kingdom in this place. Amen