Notices of Week of 15 January 2024

Published by Alison Bradley on

Christmas Collection

The Christmas collection raised £699.82 + £250.00 which was received via Stewardship to be shared equally between the following two charities:

North Yorkshire Horizons – a Adult Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service based in Harrogate

Tear Fund Middle East Emergency Fund

HTR Envrionment Focus Group – Winter Awareness Days – January 2024

Energy Saving Week – 14 January

Energy Saving Week is a countrywide program aimed at assisting individuals in lowering their fuel costs and raising awareness about energy efficiency. It  encourages people to learn more about switching energy suppliers or tariffs to obtain the best price, access discounts and/or get better, greener energy. More Information here

The Big Garden Bird Watch – 21 January

 Big Garden Birdwatch is the world’s largest garden wildlife survey. Every year, hundreds of thousands of nature lovers like you take part, helping to build a picture of how garden birds are faring.  More information here

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity starts on Thursday 18 January Information here

Bishop John Pritchard is speaking at the last service in this week of prayer being held at Ripon Cathedral 7 pm on Thursday 25 January. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A CHANGED VENUE SO EARLIER PUBLICITY MAY SAY THE WRONG CHURCH FOR THIS LAST SERVICE.

Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast happens this Saturday at 8 am at Holy Trinity Church – bring your friends too.

Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving

This Sunday we hold our annual service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving. This is open to all. Details: Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving

Watercolours by Alan Denyer

John and Cathie have 4 watercolours by Alan which are available to the first people who respond!

Hope Explored

Why Hope Explored?

  • For long standing Christians it reminds us of The Gospel basics;
  • For those who desire to tell others about The Gospel it gives a great framework to do this;
  • For new Christians it can help cement what you already know about Jesus; and
  • For non Christians or those searching it enables them to make an educated choice about Jesus.

We have a ZOOM version of Hope Explored starting on 22 January at 7 pm, click here for details and to sign-up Hope Explored Zoom

We have a number of people who have requested different days and times – we will be getting back to them shortly to agree specific dates. If you have a preferred time let us know here: Hope Explored Preferred Time and Day

Of course, you are still more than welcome to come along this Wednesday evening at 7 pm for week 2 of the course, even if you missed week one as a summary will be given.

Mission Partner Focus – Artizan International

Please pray for:-

The appointment of a Volunteer Co-ordinator and PA support for the CEO and Overseas director

The success of the Cafe in Peru which has recently opened and that it will change lives as the craft workshops have.

For  changing mindsets in Peru and Ecuador toward differently able people.

Mission Partner Information

CPAS Thanks for Support

CPAS Newsletter .

In2Out Latest News from In2Out .

Coming up:-

Other Events and Activities at Holy Trinity

To find out a full listing of what is happening please scroll down the list below to see all our activities and services.

This Week’s Services:

Monday to Thursday

8.30 am Morning Prayer everyone welcome over ZOOM


11.30 am Holy Communion a quiet, reflective and said Holy Communion held in room 3


This Sunday is Epiphany 3

Readings : Revelation 19 : 6 – 10, John 2 : 1 – 11

9 am Holy Communion in church

10.30 am Holy Communion in church

10.30 am Family Church downstairs

Other News

World Vision: New Year! New Challenge! ..

The Filling Station Trust : Praying for the younger generation ..

Ripon Cathedral latest news Ripon Cathedral Newsletter .

Ripon Cathedral : Lent Eco Film Festival ..

Torch News Prayer Diary Winter 2023 News ..

St Olav Christian Bookshop .

Ripon Library Ripon Library Events

Dementia Forward Messenger

Spring Harvest : The best thing you could do this Easter

Categories: ArtizanNews