Notices of Week of 13 February 2023

Published by John Housley on

Last Sunday

We continued our sermon series looking at the book of Philippians on Sunday, in conjunction with the Discipleship Explored courses. Remember, if you are finding it tough this week – seek God!

Messy Church – Thank You

We had a great Messy Church on Saturday – thank you for all the help to those who come and volunteer. If you think you might like to help, we especially need help in setting up and down, baking cakes and hosting. See Jane, Matt or let the Office know if you’d like to find out more.

Calling all Freedom in Christ alumni. We are hosting a Steps to Freedom away day On Saturday 18th Feb at St John’s Bondgate. Starting at 10 am. If you would like to join us for a spiritual MOT, using the steps to freedom, you would be most welcome. Please contact Chris or Ruth. Or find out more here: Steps to Freedom

Jamboree Quiz

Come and support Izzy and Carli in raising funds for their Jamboree Journey. This will be amazing fun for all the family. See Claire-Lise for details.


Chris is painting nails again this week after Thursday Lunch! Just come for some tlc and a chat. And why not come for the day: Holy Communion at 11.30 am; Lunch served at 12 noon; and have your nails painted from 1.30 pm. Nail Bar


The BOOST Leadership Team are now preparing for this. We are confident this will now happen. Keep praying and don’t forget to let us know if you can help. Speak with Jane or Ruth.

Lent Adventure

In Lent there is another exciting opportunity to set aside some time each day for one week, in order to deepen your relationship with God. This will happen in week starting 27 February. These are guided sessions, very gentle and people who have done this before say how blessed they have been. Details and sign-up here: Lent Adventure

Our Full Service Listing over the next week

Monday to Thursday

8.30 Morning Prayer over ZOOM

Thursday 16 February

11.30 am Holy Communion

Sunday 19 February

Our teaching series looking at Discipleship continues this Sunday: One in Christ
Philippians 1:27 – 2:11

9 am Holy Communion

10.30 am Altogether Holy Communion – upstairs This is designed to be very family focused – everyone is welcome.

6.30 pm Restored The Power of Praise

Mission Partners

Our prayer focus changes this week to Ripon City of Sanctuary.

Here is the latest News from Ripon City of Sanctuary Latest News

Please especially pray for:

  • The 10 families from the Middle East in Ripon.
  • Continued, positive engagement with 15 schools, helping to raise a generation of young. people in our area who understand refugee issues.
  • The school uniform clothing collections continue to help asylum-seeker children elsewhere.
  • Continued success in matching (and in some cases, rematching) Ukrainians with hosts.
  • Wisdom in challenging Government in its actions relating to refugees.

Also please join us for a massive update on everything we’ve been doing at City of Sanctuary – and it’s a lot! – at 7:30pm on Thursday, 16 March 2030 at Thorpe Prebend House (behind the cathedral). Tea & coffee available; please come with friends, and with any questions!

Please keep looking at our Mission Partner Pages for the latest news from all our Mission Partners: Mission Partners

Below, we have very recent posts from some of our Mission Partners:

Latest News from the YMCA YMCA Ripon

Latest News Letter from Kajo Keji KKC Newsletter June-Dec 2022.pdf 

CPAS have recently publicised some courses you might be interested in. There is a free course a week on Wednesday entitled: Why These Young People are Coming to Faith! For a full listing follow the link: CPAS Courses

Other Events and Activities at Holy Trinity

To find out a full listing of what is happening please scroll down the list below to see all our activities and services.

Other News

Quiet Morning (to start Lent) 24 February at St John’s Sharow Quiet Morning

Mozart Sparrow Mass 25 February at St John’s Sharow Sparrow Mass

World Day of Prayer at St John’s Bondgate 3 March at 10 am – featuring Taiwan.

World Day of Prayer service at West Park URC in Harrogate 3 March at 2 pm Day of Prayer

News from the Diocese of Leeds: Diocesan e-news

Ripon Cathedral latest news Ripon Cathedral

Harrogate Borough Council Residents’ News

Interested in a Christian holiday or break. Details from Spring Harvest are here: Spring Harvest

Categories: News