Notices of Week of 17 March 2022
Here are this weeks notices.
It is heart breaking to see all the news coming out from Ukraine. I think one of the worst things is feeling so unable to do anything. But this isn’t true!!
Of course we can pray and there are ways of financially helping. There are many but here is the link to Disaster Emergency Committee Ukraine
The following is news about other way help has occurred or you can help.
Ripon Concerts At Monday’s concert held at Holy Trinity Church over £630 was donated by the people attending – what a fantastic and generous contribution. This will go forward to the DEC Fund for Ukraine.
There are 2 more concerts where you can financially contribute too. Firstly the Christian Aid Concert a week on Saturday (26 March) featuring the Northallerton Male Voice Choir will direct all monies raised to the Ukraine appeal. Details and tickets from Michael.
And, another concert being hosted at Holy Trinity on Friday 1 April is Ripon Concert for Ukraine tickets for this event are available now too.
We will be running our Sunflower Competition again this year and this will have a Ukraine focus too, as this is the national flower of Ukraine. Please look out for details very soon. Which will appear here in the next few days: Sunflower Growing
Finally, and possibly most importantly, we have established a prayer station in church where there are resources to use and to take away to help you pray for Ukraine. Access to this will be available at all times the church is open and from next week we will ensure that the church is un-locked between 9 and 1 pm (at least) every week day.
Here are details of our services in the coming days.
Thursday 17 March
11.30 Holy Communion
Sunday 20 March
9 am Holy Communion
10.30 am Holy Communion
10.30 am Family Church
6.50 pm Youth Service
Monday through Thursday 8.30 am Morning Prayer – on ZOOM.
No this isn’t a Photo Competion!!
Michael and Richard have been in the spire recently installing boxes to encourage swifts to nest at Holy Trinity
Some Important Meetings
We have some important “open” meetings coming up:
Sun 27th after the 10:30 Service to talk about a Church Camp to New Wine between 23 and 28 July. If you are interested come along. See Matt or Michelle about this.
Sun 3 Apr after 10:30 Service to find out about Hosting. See John about this.
Shauna Hodgson It is with much sadness that we share with you that Shauna died on 6th March after having a stroke just before Christmas .
It was a blessed release for her and she is now with Jesus Christ whom she loved. The Thanksgiving Service is on Monday April 4th at 12.30pm at Holy Trinity. There will be no flowers but if anyone wants to donate to theYorkshire Air Ambulance then you can use the following link Shauna Hodson
Many thanks to all those who supported her Maureen and Peter at this time.
Prayers Please
This is week we continue to pray for our Mission Partner Wellspring.
Please pray …
For Staff and Volunteers
• For Emily, the Director, as she returns from maternity leave and works with the Wellspring team to plan for the year head.
• For the appointment of an Operations Officer and Head of Fundraising, and for wisdom for those involved in the decision-making progress.
• That more Christian counsellors would choose to volunteer with Wellspring.
For Adult & Youth Counselling Service
• For those waiting for counselling to experience peace and comfort.
• For Wellspring’s clients, both children and adults, to find healing through their counselling.
• For the capacity to provide counselling to the many people who are referring themselves to Wellspring’s services.
Development & Publicity
• For further opportunities for Wellspring to share about their work with churches and local organisations.
• For the development of plans to plant Wellspring hubs in other locations, through the local church.
Events Diary
Thursday 17 March
10 am Ready Steady Mums
12 noon Thursday Lunch
1.30 pm Craft and Natter
Tuesday 22 March
9.15 am Craft Club
11 am Tuesday Prayer Group
12 noon Alpha
7.30 pm Churches Together Ripon
Other Events and Activities at Holy Trinity
Sunday 20 March 2.30 pm Friends of Ripon Cathedral
25 – 27 March Men of the Dales (Not at Trinity)
Saturday 26 March 7.30 pm Northallerton Male Voice Choir for Christian Aid
Friday 1 April 7.30 pm Concert for Ukraine
Sunday 10 April 6.30 pm Underground not Underground details to follow
Starting in April Renew Ripon details shortly
Mission Partner and Friends of Holy Trinity News
I don’t go to church, but… Yes we know this is mentioned elsewhere but wanting to make sure people know about this. If you have anything to do with Youth work this is for you. Follow the link here Scripture Union
CAP The latest news from our Mission Partner CAP is available here: CAP
In2Out The latest prayer update from our Mission Partner In2Out is available here: In2Out
Churches Together And another important repeat. Ho0ly Trinity hosts this meeting on Tuesday 22 March at 7.30 pm. Come and hear the exciting news about Renew Ripon and contribute to reaching out to Ripon. Churches Together
CPAS The latest news from our Mission Partner CPAS can be viewed here: CPAS
Scargill Community are looking to appoint a Chaplain. Details here Scargill
City of Sanctuary Ukraine Update Ukraine
Ripon Cathedral News
All the latest news can be viewed here: Cathedral
Easter Children’s club details here: Childrens Activities Easter 22.pdf
1350 Celebrations here: 1350
Diocese News
Latest e-news available here: Diocese