Family and Children’s Events & Activities

The Team
Holy Trinity Ripon is blessed to have a large number of volunteers who serve our children and young people – however we are always keen to recruit more help. If you want to find out about how you might be able to help please speak to Matt, our Youth Pastor; [email protected] or his assistant Alison; [email protected]
Family Church
Family Church isn’t strictly an exclusively Young People and Children’s activity. It is open to all, adults whether you have children or not and to children too.
Of course, the whole church is a family – but we have named this service, to try and describe what it is like. All are welcome to Family Church but it is specifically designed for parents and carers to come to church with their children. We provide drinks and a light snack, all you need to do is come along. (Note we ask at least one parent or carer to stay with their children.)
The style of worship, music, and teaching is modern. This is definitely a service where children will feel comfortable – but it is much more than just a children’s service.
This service is not streamed or recorded.
Our Next
Family Church is:
Little Fishes
Little Fishes is our group for parents, carers and their pre-school aged children. We meet every Monday at 9 am during term time.
Refreshments are available for adults and children.
There is a small charge of £1.50 per family.
A great place to meet, chat and let your children interact with other little ones.
It all ends with a sing along with Matt.
Our next
Little Fishes is:
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during Term Time at 8.10 am. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Come along to have breakfast, a cuppa and a natter. A great way for you and your children to start the day before school.
We look forward to seeing you.
Diane and the Breakfast Club Team
Our next
Breakfast Club is:
Tea and Tots
Tea and Tots is a group for Mums to meet with their little ones at Holy Trinity Church for a chat and a cuppa.
The group meet at 10 am at Holy Trinity Church, usually meeting in Room 2.
There is no charge for this group. We simply ask for a donation for tea or coffee.
All welcome.
Our next
Tea and Tots is:
Messy Church
Messy Church happens on the second Saturday of most months starting at 4 pm. This is for all the family to come together and have fun doing crafts and activities.
At the end of the fun, we all sit down together for a meal.
There is no charge just come and get messy!
Our next
Messy Church is:
Walk and Talk / Stay and Say
Walk and Talk happens in the summer months and Stay and Say happens in the winter months.
This time is for young people in school years 7 to 13 to spend time together. In the summer we go for a local walk and in the winter we come inside to play games, have a bite to eat and talk about life.
This is a safe place to ask questions with peers and young leaders.
Our next
Walk and Talk / Stay and Say is:
Life Group
Life Group happens on a Monday evening during term time between 7 and 8.45 pm.
It is for young people in school years 7 to 9 to just be, eat and talk about life and situations affecting them. It is a safe space to ask questions with peers and young leaders. If you or your child(ren) are interested please contact Mat ([email protected]) or Alison ([email protected])
Our next
Life Group is: