Adult Events and Activities
We have a number of events and activities that are for adults. Details of the regular adult activities appear below.
We are also very pleased to announce that in May 2024 Holy Trinity Church was fully certified as a Single Friendly Church
Renew Ripon

Renew Ripon is a quiet shared space where it is OK not to be OK. Mental illness is rising and the pandemic & lockdown exacerbated this issue. Renew Ripon is for anyone who feels they might be struggling with life: loneliness, isolation, anxiety, confidence.
If you want to have a cuppa, a chat, try some mindful or reflective activities, or just find out what Renew Ripon is about pop in any time between 11.30 am and 1 .30 pm on a Monday during the day or between 6.30 pm and 8.30 pm on a Tuesday evening.
We don’t claim to have all the answers but we can point you in the direction of other professionals who might and you will find our team caring, supportive and willing to listen.
Every one is welcome to come and find a place to renew.
Our next meetings (including Renew Ripon – Walk, see below):
Renew Ripon – Walk
Renew Ripon – walk is the same as Renew Ripon, except we do this whilst having a relaxed walk in and around Ripon. This is a new event for Summer 2024 (starting in June) – but we hope to continue offering this if it proves popular.
We will meet at 6 pm on the first and third Wednesday every month until the end of September.
The walk will be not too strenuous leaving and returning to the Claro Lounge on the Market Square where we will stop for a quick tea or coffee afterwards.
Any questions? Just drop us an email at [email protected]
We also give a very big thank you to the Claro Lounge for allowing us to meet. Thank you.
Thursday Lunch
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Revelation 3:20 NIV
Jesus asked us to dine with him and each other!
Thursday Lunch is open to anyone. It is a chance to meet and chat and of course be served with an amazing two or three course meal. We ask diners to make a donation of £6 for two courses or £8 for 3 courses, this helps us cover our costs.
We have specially timed our lunch to enable diners to go to the Market held in Ripon every Thursday and also, if you would like, attend our midweek Holy Communion which we hold beforehand at 11.30 am. Of course, you don’t need to partake in either of these to come and enjoy a meal.
We are blessed to have Rick (from Valentinos) helping us with the food, so we are sure you will not be disappointed with the quality of the food. And it is a great place to come and chat and meet people.
For special meals, like our Christmas Lunch, we do need people to sign-up in advance. If doing this is a problem please call and leave a message with our Office on 01765 690930.
Our up and coming Thurday lunches are:
- for all women regardless of faith
- a place where God affirms us and meets us just where we are
- a break from the day-to-day to refresh, share life and encourage one another
- free
We’d love you to join us in The Arches for our very informal, friendly and welcoming women’s group.
We begin from 9 o’clock with our legendary breakfast spreads (think warm pastries, yoghurt and fruit, freshly brewed coffee…come hungry!).
We worship together and explore what God has put on our hearts to share…. aiming to finish by 11am.
Our next meeting is:
Men’s Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast is a friendly group open to anyone to come and have a hearty Full English; tea and coffee; toast and hear an interesting speaker. That’s it – simple and does what it says on the tin. Men’s Breakfast meets every other month on a Saturday morning at 8 am. Our next Men’s Breakfast dates are:
Other Social Activities
We have a wide range of other events and activities including: film nights, book club readings, celebration gatherings and we’ve even been known to see the New Year in together. For full details of everything happening at the moment navigate back to our Home Page and scroll down to the up and coming events. Home Page