Sunday Services

Pattern of services on Sundays
We have a number of worship opportunities at Holy Trinity Church on a Sunday, in the morning and in the evening.
In the Morning
At 9 am we hold a traditional (Common Worship) sung Holy Communion. This is in the main church.
At our 10.30 am services we usually have two opportunities to worship. Upstairs, in the main church, there will be a sung worship service (and on the second and fourth Sunday of the month these will be with Holy Communion); whilst downstairs (in The Arches) we hold Family Church. On the first Sunday of every month we hold an All Together Service upstairs where we combine facets of both 10.30 services into one service.
Our Sunday Morning Services
9 am service
A Common Worship Holy Communion service attended by up to 40 people. Music is usually organ or piano, with a mix of traditional and modern hymns. This service is not recorded or streamed on the internet.
Our next
9 am Holy Communion
on a Sunday:
10.30am Altogether Worship Upstairs
This service happens when we all come together at our 10.30 am service. This is a lively service where everyone is welcome. This usually occurs on the first Sunday of the month. We make this services suitable for all age groups. The worship music is mainly modern and the readings and talks will sometimes be presented in a non-traditional manner.
This service is streamed live on-line via our YouTube Channel Trinity YouTube.
Our next
Altogether Worship Upstairs:
When we are not all together at 10.30 we have two services running concurrently one upstairs and one downstairs, these are:
10.30 Morning Worship Upstairs
Morning Worship Upstairs will be a service with a mix of modern and traditional music. The teaching will be more detailed than at our Family Church service and the prayer time will be quieter too. On some Sundays, Morning Worship Upstairs may also incorporate a Holy Communion – but not every time.
This service is streamed live on-line via our YouTube Channel Trinity YouTube.
Our next
Morning Worship Upstairs
10:30 Family Church (downstairs)
Of course, the whole church is a family – but we have named this service, to try and describe what it is like. All are welcome to Family Church but it is specifically designed for parents and carers to come to church with their children. We provide drinks and a light snack, all you need to do is come along. (Note we ask at least one parent or carer to stay with their children.)
The style of worship, music, and teaching is modern. This is definitely a service where children will feel comfortable – but it is much more than just a children’s service.
This service is not streamed or recorded.
Our next
Family Church:
And on Sunday evenings..
6:30pm Being Restored
This is our Sunday evening worship.
Being Restored is an informal spirit-led and inspired evening of worship, teaching and prayer, where those of all ages and experiences can grow in Christ, and freely express the works of the Holy Spirit in our lives as an encouragement to all.”. Refreshments are served from 6.30 pm for a 6.45 pm start.
We meet downstairs in The Arches on the first and third Sunday of each month.
Our next
And finally:
We provide refreshments after all our services. Please join us for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat.
And on the first Sunday of the month we have breakfast together. This happens at 10 am in the coffee area downstairs which enables the people from all our Sunday morning services to gather and enjoy a light breakfast.