Prayer at Holy Trinity
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Of course, prayer is a big part of Holy Trinity. We want to encourage you in your prayer life, both in your private prayer time and in small groups with others. And we have different ways in which we can pray for you too. Take a look below at some of the ways you can engage with prayer, here at Holy Trinity.
Ways to be Prayed For
Holy Trinity Prayer Chain
If you need prayer for a situation we have a team of people who will pray for you. All requests are treated as confidential and any details given will not be shared outside of the prayer chain. Similarly, we do not need every last detail. If you would like our team to pray for something please send an e-mail to: [email protected] with a subject heading of “Prayer Request”. All we need is very brief details about the situation and the first name(s) only of the people who need prayer. If you are a member of the Holy Trinity family you can submit your prayer request here: Prayer Request
Prayer at Our Services
At our 10.30 am service in the main church we have a prayer team standing by for anyone who needs prayer. Just go to the small prayer room in the Narthex area (entrance hall) to speak to the team offering prayer. Of course, this is confidential and what you speak about will not be passed to anyone else – unless you request further prayer.
SOZO Ministry
We have a small Sozo Ministry team here at Holy Trinity Church. Sozo means: Saved, Healed, Delivered. And one aspect of this is prayer. We can arrange for anyone to meet with our Sozo Team and then if you are in agreement to be prayed for.
A Sozo is a time of prayer where you are encoraged to listen to God and are gently invited into a closer relationship with Him. Through forgiving others, there is healing and wholeness and a closer walk with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit.
We would love to pray with you. If you are interested please click here to register: Sozo Prayer
Morning Prayer
Every weekday Monday through to Thursday we meet for Morning Prayer on-line. We have found that this is a most convenient way of coming together to pray at the start of the working day. Everyone is welcome to join us Monday to Thursday at 8:30 am. This is a wonderful way of starting your day with God. We use Zoom for this and we will send you the link to join if you sign-up – just click on the link below for the link.
If you have any difficulties in accessing this please contact the Office [email protected] 01765 690930 and we will help you join this great prayer time.
Where and When
The next session is shown below. Please sign up using this link – this will permit you to join all future Morning Prayer gatherings and not just the next one.
The Tuesday Prayer Group
Every Tuesday a group from Holy Trinity meet to pray for our church and the community of Ripon. This is an open group – that starts with a cuppa and a chat about what is happening and then moves to prayer time. Anyone is welcome to come along at 11 am any Tuesday morning. We meet initially, in the Coffee Area of The Arches. Please click the link to find out more.
Trinity Tuesday
On the first Tuesday evening of the month we usually have a gathering for prayer. This happens at 7.30 pm – in The Arches. At Trinity Tuesday we have a theme and hear about things that are happening at Holy Trinity or in the Community – we then pray about these things. Please click the link below to find out about our next Trinity Tuesday dates.
Lydia Prayer Meeting
The Lydia Prayer Meeting is a gathering for Christian women. This group comprises of Christians from around the area and not just Trinity folk.
Lydia usually meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 10.30 am.
If you would like to find out more, click the link to the next meeting below:
Praying For Ripon
As ‘Christians Together’ we are meeting to pray together as a new joint initiative to intercede for our city and our churches. We welcome all Christian believers from Ripon who want to pray into what God is doing in our city.
This is intended to be an ongoing event on the first Sunday every month at 7.30am, and we will be meeting in various locations across the city. Everyone is welcome to this. The next meeting is:
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