Our Environment Focus Group

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth Genesis 1: 1
The Lord God took the human and put them in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it’ Genesis 2: 15
What do we mean by ‘Environment’ and ‘Environmental’?
‘The natural world of land, sea, air, plants, and animals’ and ‘Relating to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition’. (Collins Dictionary)
Why is it Important?
“The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it.” Sir David Attenborough
(The Environment Show, Conservation Words of Wisdom, 5 November 2020)
Events being supported by Holy Trinity Church
Holy Trinity Church, through it’s Environmental Focus Group and it’s PCC, are linking into a number of national and international events highlighting them to our congregation and the community of Ripon.
Here are the events we are supporting:
Other Events and News
There are lots of events and news in addition to the key events Holy Trinity is specifically supporting. Click here to see the latest listing and news. Latest News and Listings
If you have any events or news items for this link please let us know by clicking on the link here: Let us know…
Did you know! We have created a re-wilding area at Holy Trinity in the church yard. This has only just been set aside but we hope that this will develop as time goes by. Click here for details: Rewilding Project some of the flowers that have appeared can be seen here:
Here is a resource you might find useful from A Rocha UK Eco Tips Calendar
Key Environmental Themes
We want to help readers of our web site to find information about the key Environmental themes. If this is you please read on…