Notices of Week of 14 November 2022
The One, Two, Three
There is lots happening this week at Holy Trinity Church. Here are just 3 events:
1 Ripon Concerts – who have chosen Holy Trinity as their home – have their latest concert this evening. Please support them; hover over the picture and click on the link to find out more and to book tickets.
2 Friendship Café meet this Wednesday at 1.30 pm. Come and meet new friends over delicious cake and tea. Hover over the picture and click on the link to find out more.
3 CAP Life Skills Taster Session on Thursday at 1 pm. CAP Life Skills is a friendly group that will give the confidence and decision-making skills needed to live on a low income. The taster session is being run so you can find out what it is like so you can: see if it is for you; confidently invite others; or consider if you would like to help. Hover over the picture to find out more about the Life Skill course.
This Saturday Coming – Men’s Breakfast
Men, don’t forget we have our last Men’s Breakfast of 2022. Come hungry for breakfast at 8 am and hear an interesting speaker. This time we will be hearing from our own Harvey Jones! Please let us know you are coming by clicking here: Men’s Breakfast
Thank Yous
What great support you have given this past week. Over £1500 raised through the Festival of Music for Christian Aid; around £90 raised for Holy Trinity and The Little Princess Trust on Saturday and Sunday buying hair scrunchies and crafts from Helen; and money continues to be raised on a Thursday with Sam’s Card sales – which continues through November. Thank you to every one who has helped.
And Another Thank You
Sue I’Anson for many years ran Holy Trinity’s Finances. Sue received a small thank you gift on behalf of us all at last Sunday’s 9 am Holy Communion. Thank you Sue!
Freedom in Christ Course starts soon
We have a new Freedom in Christ course starting in December. If you feel you are being guided to strengthen and grow your faith in Jesus please consider this amazing course. Details and a sign-up can be reached here: Freedom in Christ. It starts on 3 December so why not use this as an Advent Study, leading into a New Year Resolution and then on into Lent!
Thursday Christmas Lunch
Tickets are on sale for the Thursday Christmas Lunch – which happens on 8 December at 12 noon. Ticket sales are going well, so please book now to avoid disappointment as numbers are limited for this popular event. Book here
Our Services over the next week
Monday to Thursday
8.30 Morning Prayer over ZOOM
Thursday 17 November
11.30 am Holy Communion
Sunday 20 November
At our Morning Sunday Services we celebrate “Christ the King”. This is the last Sunday of the Church’s year and the following week it is the First Sunday in Advent! Additionally, on Sunday, we will be hearing more about the Mission Plan – a great time to be looking forward to the next stage of the Ministry and Mission of Holy Trinity Church.
9 am Holy Communion – Christ the King
10.30 am Café Worship Upstairs – Christ the King
6.30 pm Restored – Living the Word
Mission Partner Prayer Focus
We continue to pray for Scripture Union this week.
Please pray for Geoff Brown, supported by Holy Trinity, and working in a team for Scripture Union in the North East and Yorkshire.
Geoff asks for wisdom, as he works in Schools and Churches with many opportunities to give the Gospel to the 95% of children and young people who never go to Church.
Pray for the young people who heard about Jesus at Scripture Union camps and houseparties in the Summer. May they grow in their faith and commitment to Jesus.
Other Events and Activities at Holy Trinity
To find out what is happening please scroll down the list below to see all our activities and services.
What’s Coming Up Soon
Other News
News from the Diocese of Leeds: Diocesan e-news
Ripon Cathedral latest news Ripon Cathedral
Ripon Cathedral Christmas Services Cathedral Christmas
Latest News from Harrogate Borough Council Council News
Public Consultation From 1 April 2023, North Yorkshire Council will replace the eight county, district and borough councils in North Yorkshire to deliver all the public services your local council currently provides. If you want to have a say and put a Christian Perspective on this please visit Let’s Talk North Yorkshire