Notices of Week of 23 June 2022

Published by John Housley on

The teams arrive – they look serious!
All action – look at the concentration!
Queuing to get into Holy Trinity!!

Messy Church

The pictures above tell only part of the story from the recent Messy Church in the park. Keep your calendars free for the next Messy Church happening on Saturday 9 July Messy Church

Last Chance

We have 2 events that you must sign up for to help us cater and set up.

Michelle’s Celebration following her ordination in the cathedral is in the Vicarage Garden from 4 pm this Saturday. Sign up here: Michelle’s Celebration

Spuds and Puds

On Sunday we are holding our first Meet and Eat. So if you want to come to Michelle’s first and second presiding at Holy Communion and then stay for lunch, sign up here: Spuds and Puds

First Aid Training

Places are filling up and this is now being advertised across the deanery. Places are free – though you can make a donation if you wish. We expect this to be a popular course so if you want to do this please follow the link and sign-up now: First Aid Course

Michelle’s Ordination

Michelle’s ordination service is this Saturday 25 June at 2 pm at Ripon Cathedral. There are no reserved seating options – so please arrive early for this as it will be busy. The service will not be available on-line. There is a celebration gathering afterwards. You will need to book for this so we can accommodate everyone safely and cater effectively. Details: Michelle’s Celebration

And of course please pray for Michelle and all the other candidates as they prepares for this momentous day.

Food Bank

A big thank you to all who have contributed to our Food Bank box (located in the Narthex). All donations accepted. If you want to help this week they are running low on toilet roll, cleaning products, tinned meat and tinned veg.

Breakfast Club – great news but we need help!

Since re-starting Breakfast Club, we have steadily increased the numbers coming to this fantastic event. It is wonderful to see the happy faces enjoying breakfast and a natter (parents and children). If you would like to help please see Diane or contact the Office on [email protected]


Thursday 23 June

11.30 am Holy Communion

Saturday 25 June

2 pm Michelle’s Ordination as Priest

Sunday 26 June

Theme Women in the Bible – The Two Daughters
Luke 4:16-19 & Mark 5:21-34

Study Notes are here: The Two Daughters Study Notes.pdf 

9 am Holy Communion

10.30 Holy Communion

10.30 Family Church

6.50 Youth Service

Monday to Thursday

8.30 am Morning Prayer

Thursday 30 June

11.30 am Holy Communion

Friday 1 July

1.30 pm Funeral of Ada Rose Armstrong. The family have asked that everyone who comes to support them at this sad time to wear black.

Mission Partner Prayer Focus

Kajo-Keji Christian College provides theological, business and education training in South Sudan – a country plagued with poverty, violence, famine and lack of infrastructure. 

Please pray:-

– for the Principal, Rev James Lule Kenyi, as he nears the completion of his PhD

– for efforts to recruit more theology students in August before the new semester in September. Students struggle to pay their fees and Diocese provide no funding.

– for peace to be restored after the recent horrendous violence in the area when the army killed 3 school boys

– for Sue Browning, CMS Mission partner teaching at the College

– for the ongoing building projects – classrooms, dormitory, toilets and chapel – giving thanks for the funding received to date

– giving thanks for the vital part the College plays in building the Episcopal church in South Sudan.

Mission Partners Generally

Some of you collected the booklet about all our Mission Partners recently. If you weren’t able to do this you can find the same information on our web site. You can go directly to this here: Mission Partners

What’s Coming Up Soon

Spring Harvest

Isn’t happening in Harrogate in 2023 but booking at other venues is now open: Spring Harvest

CPAS The latest news from our Mission Partner CPAS can be viewed here: CPAS 

The latest training available at CPAS is here: Training

Help Needed

Work Party (Note Changed Date)

And a work party for inside and outside jobs is planned for Saturday 23 July. Work Party.

Other News and Events

26 June Mickley Open Gardens

9 & 10 July 24hr Worshipathon 24hr Worshipathon.pdf 

23 July Ripon Rotary Walk for Water Walk for Water.pdf

Diocese and About

Here is the latest e-news from the Diocese: E-News

Ripon Cathedral e-news. Ripon Cathedral

Categories: News