Notices of Week of 25 November 2024
Decorating the Church and the Arches
If you would like to help decorate the Church and/or the Arches for Christmas we have some dates for you:
Decorating the Arches will be on Tuesday 3 December from 9.30 am. Just come along or speak to Sam or Lilly for details.
Decorating the Church will happen on Thursday 5 December from 9 am. Why not come along to help and then enjoy lunch at noon!
Advent and Christmas Services and Events
Our Advent and Christmas Services and events has been published. You can get the full details by visiting our web site or alternatively follow the link here: Advent and Christmas
Christmas Choir
We are having rehearsals for the Christmas Choir in the next few weeks. If you would like to join this fun group come along to the rehearsals on:
Tuesday December 3
Tuesday December 10
All at 7.30 pm. Everyone welcome to get ready to sing at the Chistmas Carol Service on Sunday 15 December at 6.30 pm.
Growing in your Faith
This is just an advance notice of things to look out for.
In the New Year we will be running a number of Christianity Explored and Hope Explored courses throughout the year. Those that have joined these courses have found a real revitalisation and growth in their faith. If you are looking for a New Year resolution attending one or more of these courses might be just the thing. Details will be published soon, in time for our Advent and Christmas services. Look out for the details!
Reading the Bible in a Year We have had a really active group reading through the New Testament this autumn. Those who have taken up this challenge have been surprised at how easy this has been; doing it with a group really helps and motivates people. If you are interested in reading through the whole Bible in 2025 with a group for support, let us know and we will give you full details: Reading the Bible
House Groups Finally, we are currently working on giving greater publicity to our House Groups (we have over 10 currently) Once all the information has been collated we will let you know what house groups are available to join. There will also be opportunities to start new ones too. So please look out for this information.
Food Hygiene
Holy Trinity’s Kitchen Facilities and Procedures relating to food were inspected last week and we have been awarded the highest rating of 5 stars! Thank you, to everyone who has helped to make this happen. There are a few changes we still need to make but the majority of the work has been completed. This is something we should all celebrate!
Christmas Gift Collection
We have a collection box at Holy Trinity – next to the food bank box or take your donations directly to the Salvation Army at Lead Lane!
Each year the charity, EIL UK, receives hundreds of applications from international students studying at British universities hoping to experience Christmas or New Year in a British home. They are looking for more volunteer families in Yorkshire who could host an overseas university student for a 3-night stay between 20 December 2024 and 5 January 2025.
EIL UK would like to invite the congregation to be part of this rich and rewarding experience and continue the traditions that HOST UK started in 1987 by offering a student who is far from home, hospitality and friendship through a Festive Stay. If anyone is interested in finding out more about hosting for EIL UK, visit or email [email protected]. EIL offers host families training, support from a local coordinator and a contribution towards the costs of hosting.
Ripon Cathedral are offering a Bereavement Course in Februrary 2025, beginning on Tuesday 11 February at 11.00 am at Thorpe Prebend House. Details here.
Please pray for:-
The success of the Artizan Angels scheme, the aim of which is to achieve regular donations. Artizan Angels get regular updates and 10% off in the cafe and shop
The project in Ecuador to reach its fundraising target for new equipment
For Susie Hart herself as she takes more of a back seat in Artizan to devote more time to family
Mission Partner Information
In2Out Get ready to give
Scripture Union Newsletter
Artizan International Newsletter A message from the Chair of Trustees Carol Concert
Wellspring Prayer Points December
YMCA Ripon YMCA News
Kajo-Keji Christian College Newsletter
CMS – Andy & Kati Walsh Link letter
CAP – Latest News CAP North Headlines
Lake Rukwa Supporting Ministry in the Diocese Leeds Comparison
Other Events and Activities at Holy Trinity
To find out a full listing of what is happening please scroll down the list below to see all our activities and services.
This Week’s Services:
Monday to Thursday
8.30 am Morning Prayer everyone welcome over ZOOM
11.30 am Holy Communion a quiet, reflective and said Holy Communion held in room 3
This Sunday : Advent Sunday
1 Thessalonians 3:9-13, Luke 21:25-36
9.00 am Holy Communion in church
10.30 am Morning Worship in church
10.30 am Family Church downstairs
Followed by Bring and Share Sunday lunch
6.30 pm Being Restored downstairs
Other News
City of Sanctuary Newsletter
Ripon Library Events Self-care week Self-care week drop in Winter Warmer
Ripon Library Roots of Inspiration talk
Ram Prasad Update here
A Rocha October 24 Newsletter
Sasra News & Prayer
Dementia Forward November newsletter
Torch Newsletter Prayer Diary
Spring Harvest, 7 – 11 April 2025 – booking opens on 12 June Details here
Ripon Cathedral latest news Ripon Cathedral Newsletter
NYCC : Latest News From North Yorkshire
Christians in Sport – are you sporty? You might be interested in this: Christians in Sport
Thy Kingdom Come New resources