Notices of Week of 21 October 2024

Michelle would like to extend a huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone at Holy Trinity Church for the kind and generous cards, messages gestures and gifts as she and the family said goodbye to Ripon and to us on the 13th October in order to take up a new post as vicar of St Edmund’s Church Roundhay in November. Michelle writes:
The last 3 and a half years have been full of learning, love and living life in all its fullness for me personally and for my family. Thank you to everyone at Holy Trinity and many in the wider Ripon community for the love and hospitality extended to us and for being part of this journey. We have settled well in Roundhay and trust in God’s ongoing grace and purpose for us as we begin this new adventure with him. I shall miss you enormously and you remain in my thoughts and prayers.
If anyone would like to stay in touch, Michelle’s email is [email protected]
Following on from Monday’s Kitchen User Group meeting, four volunteers (working in two pairs) are requested to collect donations from M&S and Aldi from January. If this is something you could help with, please contact Alison Ratcliffe. [email protected]
Thursday Lunch Club are looking for 3 – 5 people to join a rota for making puddings. If you can help, please contact Alison Ratcliffe. [email protected]
We need a larger team to hold the Level 2 Food Hygiene qualification. If you would be happy to take this short course, please contact Alison Ratcliffe. [email protected]
Scremerston, Spittal & Tweedmouth are looking for a new Children & Families Leader. See here for details.
Saying Goodbye, (part of the Mariposa Trust) are coming to Bradford in October with a very special Baby loss remembrance and support service (part of a UK and Ireland chain of events). On the 27 October at 3.30pm, in Bradford Cathedral, we will be hosting one of our Saying Goodbye Services. Poster here.
It’s a Light Party for ALL the family to come together, as a community and in the faith of Jesus.
On Thursday, 31 October between 5pm – 6.30pm we are holding a Light Party.
Come dressed as your favourite Super Hero or Role Model and enjoy making crafts, playing games, face painting, and be a shining light by wearing something that will UV GLOW. At 6.00pm will will all come together for a meal.
Everyone is welcome, so let your families and friends know. Please sign up here and let us know you are coming, that way we can be safe, and ensure there are enough cakes to go around!!
We hope you can come, children please bring your adults, join the fun and shine! Volunteers are wanted for this event. Please contact Alison Ratcliffe if you can help.
There will be a Christian Aid Concert on 15 November featuring bands from Holy Trinity Primary, Queen Mary’s, Ripon Grammar and Ripon City Training band. Details here.
Ripon Cathedral are offering a Bereavement Course in Februrary 2025, beginning on Tuesday 11 February at 11.00 am at Thorpe Prebend House. Details here.
CAP is, like many of us, going through severe financial restrictions at this difficult time. Donations over the last year have failed to meet their planned expectations, and a full review of operations for the next 5 years, including staffing, is nearing completion. Please pray that CAP is able to continue to provide support to those in need, and that the review process does not create significant hardship for those staff members affected.
Throughout 2024, CAP is committed to continually strive for transformed lives, thriving churches and an end to UK poverty. Pray that 2024 will see many more transformed lives, including people becoming debt free, finding new ways to manage their money, and discovering the joy of a relationship with Jesus.
A thriving church isn’t about size or wealth – it’s about Christians putting God’s love into action in their community. Let’s pray for the UK Church to thrive in 2024.
This year, CAP will continue to campaign for changes to government and industry policies that impact the people around us. Please pray for the ongoing journey towards an end to UK poverty. May God be in the driving seat..
As the need for CAP’s services continues to grow, so does the need to bring in new staff, volunteers and supporters. Pray that God would speak to people with a heart to see lives changed and poverty eradicated, so that they might be encouraged to join us on this journey.
Father, we pray for Christians Against Poverty today. For every church, client, supporter, volunteer and staff member who shares the vision to see transformed lives, thriving churches and an end to UK poverty. Help us stay united in our mission, strong in our faith, and focused on the world we want to see. Amen.
Mission Partner Information
Scripture Union Newsletter
Artizan International Newsletter A message from the Chair of Trustees
Wellspring Prayer Points October Job Advert
YMCA Ripon YMCA News
Kajo-Keji Christian College Newsletter
CMS – Andy & Kati Walsh Link letter
CAP – Latest News CAP North Headlines
Lake Rukwa Supporting Ministry in the Diocese Leeds Comparison
Other Events and Activities at Holy Trinity
To find out a full listing of what is happening please scroll down the list below to see all our activities and services.
This Week’s Services:
Monday to Thursday
8.30 am Morning Prayer everyone welcome over ZOOM
11.30 am Holy Communion a quiet, reflective and said Holy Communion held in room 3
This Sunday : Bible Sunday
9.00 am – 2 Timothy 3.14-4.5, John 5.36b-47
10.30 am – 2 Timothy 3.14-4.5, John 5.36b-47
9.00 am Holy Communion in church
10.30 am Holy Communion in church
10.30 am Family Church downstairs
Other News
Ripon Library Events Self-care week Self-care week drop in Winter Warmer
Ripon Library Roots of Inspiration talk
Ram Prasad Update here
A Rocha October 24 Newsletter
Sasra News & Prayer
A Rocha Newsletter September Act with Creation Prayer Diary
Ripon Library September 2024
Dementia Forward October Newsletter Winter Ball
Torch Newsletter Prayer Diary
Spring Harvest, 7 – 11 April 2025 – booking opens on 12 June Details here
Ripon Cathedral latest news Ripon Cathedral Newsletter
Diocese of Leeds Newsletter
NYCC : Latest News From North Yorkshire
Christians in Sport – are you sporty? You might be interested in this: Christians in Sport
Thy Kingdom Come New resources
The Filling Station Prophecy, Teaching, Evangelism, Renewal
St Olave’s Bookshop Get ready for Advent
Dancing for Wellbeing General Flyer