Notices of Week of 6 May 2024

Renew Ripon – Wellbeing Walks for Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 runs from the 13th -19th May. The theme this year is ‘Movement: moving more for our mental health.’ To raise awareness of looking after our mental health and to focus on this theme, Renew Ripon will be running additional sessions during the week to include wellbeing walks. These will be in addition to the usual Monday lunchtime and Tuesday evening Renew Ripon spaces. The Wellbeing walks will be as follows:
Wednesday 15th May 11am-12.30pm. Meet at Holy Trinity Church by the Renew Ripon flag. The walk is easy to moderate and will include a walk to Spa Gardens and the Market Place to take in the knitted decorations. There will be a brief mindfulness reflection by the Holy Trinity wilding area, followed by coffee and cake in the Arches.
Thursday 16th May 6-7.30pm. Meet at Holy Trinity Church by the Renew Ripon flag. The walk is moderate to challenging. Please consider your own ability as this is a slightly longer walk and may include uneven terrain. The walk will return to Holy Trinity Church and will include a brief outdoor mindfulness reflection along the way.
All adults welcome.
Environment Focus Group
This month is ‘No Mow May’!
Cake Sale – Friday 10 May, 3.20 pm
There will be a cake stall after school outside Holy Trinity Juniors on Friday 10 May to raise money for a defribulator.
Christian Aid week is the 12th -19th May. As in the last few years Christian Aid Week will operate on a delivery only envelope with options as to how people may wish to donate. We are looking for volunteers to deliver envelopes. Please collect your bag from either Michael, Robert, Jane or Dianne at the back of church for the next few Sundays up to the 12th May . Thank you
The Hiding Place – Saturday 18 May, 7.00 pm, St Mark’s Church, Harrogate
The Hiding Place is the story of Corrie Ten Boom, a Chistian woman who lived in Haarlem, Holland during World War II, and her family. Corrie saw the horrific threat the Nazis posed to the Jewish people and decided that she couldn’t just sit back and do nothing. the Hiding Place will have you in hysterics one minute and in tears the next as the cast of Oddments Theatre Company take you through the victories and defeats of Corrie’s mission. Buy your tickets at
Walk and Talk
Walk and Talk is happening again running every Sunday evening from 6 pm. Open to all young people from school year groups 7 to 13. If you have not signed up your child for this before – please do so here on the event page. Walk and Talk
We must, because of safeguarding procedures, have parental consent for the young people to come on this. Thanks.
Tenth Anniversry of the Diocese of Leeds Celebration – 12 May, 3.30 pm
Bishop Anna and Dean John, with the support of the Bishop of Leeds, invite the clergy and congregation to Ripon Cathedral for a celebratory service to mark the Tenth Anniversary of the Diocese of Leeds on Sunday 12th May at 3.30pm. Rivers of Life
This service is to celebrate the rural life of the Diocese of Leeds and we are inviting people from all parts of the diocese to share in this celebration of rural communities, parishes, businesses and organisations, not least farming and land management.
Please email [email protected] if you would like to attend.
Hope Explored – Starts Tuesday 14 May, 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm
Hope Explored looks at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about your present.
Hope Explored Trailer
We really hope you are encouraged to join us.
We’d love to know you are coming so please sign up here on this page. You only needed to do this once for the whole course.
Mission Partner Focus – YMCA
Please pray for the YMCA Ripon.
- Pray for those being housed
- Pray for the needs of the ymca staff team
- Pray for YMCA programme
- Give thanks for what they do
For more information visit–blo
Vacancies :
Mission Partner Information
CMS – Andy & Kati Walsh April Link Letter
In2Out Latest News
Wellspring – April Prayer Points Film Walk
CAP – Latest News Video News, CAP North Headlines
Lake Rukwa Supporting Ministry in the Diocese Leeds Comparison
Projects Delivering Hope (Kajo-Keji) April
Ripon City of Sanctuary Newsletter
Other Events and Activities at Holy Trinity
To find out a full listing of what is happening please scroll down the list below to see all our activities and services.
This Week’s Services:
Monday to Thursday
8.30 am Morning Prayer everyone welcome over ZOOM
11.30 am Holy Communion a quiet, reflective and said Holy Communion held in room 3
This Sunday : Ascension Day : Thy Kingdom Come
Acts 1 : 1 – 11
Matthew 28 : 16 – 20
9 am Holy Communion in church
10.30 am Morning Worship in church
10.30 am Family Church in the Arches
Other News
Ripon Cathedral latest news Ripon Cathedral Newsletter
Diocese of Leeds Newsletter
NYCC : Latest News From North Yorkshire
A Rocha – latest news May
Christians in Sport – are you sporty? You might be interested in this: Christians in Sport
Saltershaker April Newsletter
Thy Kingdom Come New resources
The Filling Station Prophecy, Teaching, Evangelism, Renewal
Dementia Forward May Walk a mile a day Events
St Olave’s Bookshop Why not have a laugh
Friends of Ripon Cathedral 22 May Visit to Helmsley 20 June Summer Lunch
SASRA Newsletter
Dancing for Wellbeing General Flyer