Notices of Week of 11 March 2024
Breakfast in Aid of Christian Aid, Friday 22 March, 7.30 am – 10.00 am
All proceeds to the Christian Aid Project. Cooked breakfast or cereals and toast available.
Men’s Breakfast – this Saturday, 16 March, 8.00 am – 9.30 am
Men’s Breakfast is a friendly group open to anyone to come and have a hearty Full English; tea and coffee; toast and hear an interesting speaker. The speaker this morning is David Chiddick.
It really helps if you can sign up via the event page, if you plan to come. It also helps with ordering and preparing the correct amount of food.
Holy Week and Easter
Here is just advanced notice of the extra and special services applicable to Holy Week and Easter.
24 March Palm Sunday 10.10 am: Act of Witness on Ripon Market Square – get there early to see the donkey.
28 March Maundy Thursday 7.30 pm: Holy Communion at Holy Trinity Church – with suppers beforehand.
29 March Good Friday 10.30 am: All Age Good Friday service at Holy Trinity Church
29 March Good Friday 12 noon: Act of Witness on Ripon Market Square
31 March Easter Day 8 am: Dressing the Cross, Act of Witness on Ripon Market Square
31 March Easter Day 8:30 am: Breakfast after Dressing the Cross at Holy Trinity Arches
The regular services at 9 am and 10.30 am occur on both Sundays too. The services on the Market Square are Churches Together services.
Easter Choir
If there is interest we would love to have a choir for some of the services at Holy Trinity in Holy Week and on Easter Day. If you are interested please speak to David Butterfield. For more details see this note from David: Easter Choir
Mission Partner Focus – Church Mission Society (CMS)
Our new prayer focus this week is CMS – Andy and Kati Walsh in Florianopolis, Brazil
For more information visit or see the Mission notice board in the Arches coffee area.
Prayer points
- Their work in prisons is hampered by the various restrictions imposed on them in terms of access and what they’re permitted to do once inside. Pray for the Lord to cut the red tape and open the doors to them.
- Pray they will continue to be encouraged by what they’re seeing the Lord do in people’s lives.
- There is a significant shortfall in their funding, which puts their work at risk. Pray that they will receive increased funding from supporters. If you can help to close their funding gap, please go to or call 01865 787489.
This year they will be in the UK between May and July when they plan to meet up with supporters and family. They will be visiting Holy Trinity on June 9th.
Mission Partner Information
A Rocha – latest news News Update .
Wellspring – Latest News News Update .
CAP – Latest News Video News, CAP North Headlines .
Lake Rukwa Request from Lake Rukwa
Thank Yous
First of all, thank you very much to everyone who contributes to the Food Bank box in the Narthex. This is very much appreciated. We received a Thank You letter from the Salvation Army this week which you can read here: Thank You
Also, a Thank You from us to Ripon YMCA, who had some surplus food that they passed on to us to help with Breakfast Club, Thursday Lunch and other ministries. Thank you very much!
Other Events and Activities at Holy Trinity
To find out a full listing of what is happening please scroll down the list below to see all our activities and services.
This Week’s Services:
Monday to Thursday
8.30 am Morning Prayer everyone welcome over ZOOM
11.30 am Holy Communion a quiet, reflective and said Holy Communion held in room 3
This Sunday is Lent 5 – “Global Recycling Day”
Giving Up Our Lives
(Ezekiel 37:1-14); John 11:1-45
9 am Holy Communion in church
10.30 am Holy Communion in church
10.30 am Family Church downstairs
Other News
Healthy Cooking on a Budget
On the 19 March in Ripon there is an opportunity to go to a free cookery demonstration entitled Cooking on a Budget. This is being organised by Mind Harrogate. Other locations available too. Details
Ripon Cathedral latest news Ripon Cathedral Newsletter
Diocese of Leeds Newsletter
Spring Harvest : The best thing you could do this Easter Home tickets available now …
Word on the Streets Newsletter …
NYCC : Latest News From North Yorkshire .
SASRA -latest news News Update .
A Rocha UK – latest news News Update .
Christians in Sport – are you sporty? You might be interested in this: Christians in Sport .
Saltershaker Newsletter
The Filling Station Lent Reflect & Renew
Thy Kingdom Come New resources
Dementia Forward Newsletter