Discipleship Explored

Published by John Housley on

Discipleship Explored focuses on what drives discipleship: the love of Christ. The greatest love anyone can ever know.

This eight session journey through Paul’s letter to the Philippians is ideal for believers at any stage of their Christian life. It features brand new documentary style films and inspiring real life stories from around the world.

We want everybody who has a connection with Holy Trinity Church to be able to experience this series of just 8 weeks.  It is our Lenten Course this year, but more than this we believe this is a route for you to really belong not to Holy Trinity, but to Jesus: the Body of Christ!

We have provided lots of opportunities to join a course.  The following are the days and times we are definitely running the course. There are other dates and times being planned at the present time which may include a men’s group coming out of Men’s Breakfast; and an on-line group over ZOOM. Keep coming back for more information. If you can’t find a day or time that suits but are really interested in joining a group please click on the request a day/time link and let us know when you could join a group. Day/Time


2.00 pm At Holy Trinity Church

2.45 pm A home in Ripon

7.30 pm The Arches


9.30 am The Arches (Ladies only group)

7.15 pm A home in Ripon


7.30 pm The Arches

7.30 pm A home in Ripon

7.50 pm A home in Ripon


7.30 pm The Arches

7.30 pm The Arches Men’s Group




1.00 pm On ZOOM for 18 to 30s

All you need to do is to click on the session you would like to attend and this will take you through to the group page associated with this session.

Categories: News