Notices of Week of 19 December 2022

Published by John Housley on

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Our services over next weekend are:

Christmas Eve

4 pm Christingle

11.30 pm First Communion of Christmas

Christmas Day

9 am Holy Communion

10.30 am All Together Christmas Service including Holy Communion – Bring your presents to show!

We hope you can come to at least one of the above services. Full details below.

Thursday 22 December – why not come for the day!

This Thursday sees lots of things happening at Holy Trinity Church.

11.30 am Holy Communion – a chance to reflect on Christmas and the coming of Jesus in a quiet and reflective service in room 3

12 noon onwards nail painting – ladies come and have your fingernails painted, free of charge, and have a natter over a cup of tea in the Coffee area. Men and families welcome too!

2.45 pm leave The Arches to walk up to Sunnyfield Lodge to start our Carol Singing in the community at 3 pm. Please sign up for this if you can so we can estimate the catering. Sign-up Here

4. 30 pm on return to The Arches for soup and a roll and maybe a mince pie or two.

Renew Ripon

One other activity that continues this week is Renew Ripon (today (Monday) and tomorrow (Tuesday)). Note there will be no Renew Ripon between Christmas and New Year or on Monday 2 January, but will return on Tuesday 3 January at 6.30 pm.

Our Full Service Listing over the next week

Monday to Thursday

8.30 Morning Prayer over ZOOM

Thursday 22 December

11.30 am Holy Communion

Saturday 24 DecemberChristmas Eve

4 pm Christingle Everyone is welcome to come to this perfect service for families to prepare for Christmas

11.30 pm First Communion of Christmas A beautiful service with wonderful music from a small strings orchestra.

Sunday 25 December Christmas Day

9 am Holy Communion

10.30 am All Age Christmas Service with Holy Communion Make sure you bring at least one of your presents to show Michelle.

Mission Partners

For the Christmas Collections this year we are supporting 2 initiatives:

The links provided above give information about these two causes and as well as financial support we hope you will also be able to pray for them too.

You can make a donation to our Christmas collection in all the usual ways but to make it easy you can donate here by following this link: Christmas Collection

Also,, please keep looking at our Mission Partner Pages for the latest news from all our Mission Partners: Mission Partners

Below, we have very recent posts from some of our Mission Partners:

Latest News from In2Out

Here are some Christmas Gift ideas from CPAS -one of our Mission Partners: Christmas at CPAS

Latest news from Kajo Keji and HOPE. News

A letter from Bishop Mathayo of Lake Rukwa announcing his retirement: Lake Rukwa Letter.pdf

Discipleship Explored

In the New Year

All our usual activities and services start again in January – please see the “What’s Coming Up Soon” section below for a complete listing.

There are a few things to be aware of now.

New Year’s Eve Party 31 December at 7 pm – yes I know not 2023 but don’t forget to come along on Saturday 31 in The Arches to Chris and Ruth’s party. Bring food and drink to share and if you have a family game bring this too.

Bible Reading Are you thinking of New Year Resolutions? Are you considering reading the Bible in a Year? David Butterfield has provided a number of plans that you might like to use and these are available in the Narthex. Also, if you want to join a group reading the Bible in a Year using The Bible App (You Version) let John know in the office.

Discipleship Explored As a whole church we will be offering Discipleship Explored courses through House Groups and other routes to everyone in February and March. For those who would like to take a leadership role in delivering these courses there is a training session planned for Wednesday 18 January at 7 pm. Sign up for this here: Discipleship Explored

Notices There will not be a Notices Post next week. We will send something out on week beginning Monday 2 January.

Trinity Tuesday 3 January 7.30 pm There will be a Trinity Tuesday on the first Tuesday of January. Please mark your new calendars!

Other Events and Activities at Holy Trinity

To find out a full listing of what is happening please scroll down the list below to see all our activities and services.

What’s Coming Up Soon

Other News

Latest news from ROCHA a Christian perspective on the environment

Salt Shaker for December: Salt Shaker Dec 22.pdf 

News from the Diocese of Leeds: Diocesan e-news

Ripon Cathedral latest news Ripon Cathedral

Ripon Cathedral Christmas Services Cathedral Christmas

Latest News from Harrogate Borough Council Council News

Categories: News