Notices of Week of 7 November 2022
A Question
What have Cakes, School Uniforms and Christmas Decorations got in common?
Well, they all link to HELP NEEDED.
On Saturday we have Messy Church. If you can bake a few cakes for this it really helps us cater for the ever growing numbers now coming to Messy Church. Speak to Sarah or just deliver them any time on Saturday – the church is open in the morning and Messy Church starts at 4 pm. No nuts please!!
If you have old school uniforms (any size or school) please keep hold of these. Refugees across the area are in desperate need of school uniforms. We will announce how to deliver these very shortly – but in the meantime, maybe it’s the time to have a clear-out!
We are planning the decoration of the church for Christmas. We haven’t got precise dates yet but if you think you might be able to help (physically or by providing materials) please follow this link to let us know. Christmas Decorations
This Saturday Coming
Ladies, don’t forget we have our last Oasis of 2022. Come hungry for breakfast at 9 am and be blessed. Please let us know you are coming by clicking here: Oasis
Greeting Card And Craft Sales – Two Opportunities
As previously mentioned, all through November, on a Thursday, you have the chance to purchase some beautiful cards made by Sam, her friends, and the young people who come to HangOut (our Thursday Youth Club). These sales will benefit Breakfast Club – so a double reason for finding that special card.
And on Saturday – whilst Messy Church is happening Helen is selling hand crafted hair accessories and Christmas Decorations to help raise funds for the “Little Princess Trust” charity
A Festival of Music
The annual fundraising concert for Christian Aid is once again being hosted at Holy Trinity Church on Friday 11 November at 7 pm. Details and tickets are available here: Festival of Music
Freedom in Christ Course starts soon
We have a new Freedom in Christ course starting in December. If you feel you are being guided to strengthen and grow your faith in Jesus please consider this amazing course. Details and a sign-up can be reached here: Freedom in Christ. It starts on 3 December so why not use this as an Advent Study, leading into a New Year Resolution and then on into Lent!
Our Services over the next week
Monday to Thursday
8.30 Morning Prayer over ZOOM
Thursday 10 November
11.30 am Holy Communion
Sunday 13 November
At all our Sunday morning services this coming week we will be focusing on remembrance. The readings for the 9 am Holy Communion and the 10.30 service upstairs are: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and Matthew 25:1-13
9 am Holy Communion – Remembrance
10.30 am Morning Worship Upstairs – Remembrance
10.30 am Family Church – Remembrance
Mission Partner Prayer Focus
We have a new Mission Partner Prayer Focus – Scripture Union – this week.
Please pray for Geoff Brown, supported by Holy Trinity, and working in a team for Scripture Union in the North East and Yorkshire.
Geoff asks for wisdom, as he works in Schools and Churches with many opportunities to give the Gospel to the 95% of children and young people who never go to Church.
Pray for the young people who heard about Jesus at Scripture Union camps and houseparties in the Summer. May they grow in their faith and commitment to Jesus.
Other Events and Activities at Holy Trinity
To find out what is happening please scroll down the list below to see all our activities and services.
What’s Coming Up Soon
Other News
Some sad news first from Joan Hazzard:
Please would you let people know that my wonderful husband Tony died recently at home peacefully after a long illness.
We have been together for the last 25 yrs and I shall be quite lost without his gracious commitment to me and our Father in heaven.
Lots of love Joan
News from the Diocese of Leeds: Diocesan e-news
Ripon Cathedral latest news Ripon Cathedral
Ripon Cathedral Christmas Services Cathedral Christmas
Latest News from Harrogate Borough Council Council News