Late Summer Notices
Late Summer Notices
Yes I know it’s actually now autumn. But let’s keep enjoying the sunshine!
This is a shortened version of our usual notices. We will return to a full notices post next week.
Summer Series – Café Worship
We have had some great comments about our Summer Worship. For a number of reasons, we will continue this into September, this is being done to accommodate BOOST Sunday (this Sunday); allow people who have been away in the summer to experience this style of worship; and to give the new families who have come to Lunchbox and BOOST meets Messy Church a chance to experience this too.
Don’t forget, submit your questionnaire responses too by Tuesday next week at the latest.
This is a big “Thank You” to all who supported this during the summer, whether this was making the lunches, donating funds, or praying. It has been a great success. Well done.
BOOST meets Messy Church
We have been running BOOST this week and have consistently had a good turnout, with many new families to Holy Trinity coming along. Thank you for all who contributed and supported this year’s BOOST. We’ll have a bigger photo montage next week.
Sunflower Competition
If you have been growing sunflowers we plan to judge the sunflowers at our 10.30 am service this Sunday (4 Sept). We know the hot summer this year has caused a lot of the sunflowers to have finished but if you still have an entry to bring please bring it to church on Sunday to the 10.30 am service. Don’t forget we are measuring the diameter of the sunflower!!
Our Services over the next week
Sunday 4 September
9 am Holy Communion
10.30 BOOST Worship
Monday to Thursday
8.30 am Morning Prayer
Tuesday 6 September
7.30 pm Trinity Tuesday
Thursday 8 September
11.30 am Holy Communion
Events and Activities
Our full notices will be back next week. But to find out what is happening please scroll down the list below to see all our activities and services.
What’s Coming Up Soon