Summer Notices

Published by John Housley on

Summer Notices

We don’t update our notices every week during the School Holidays. However, please save a link to this page as the “What’s Coming Up Soon” (which you can find further down this page) is automatically updated. This is the best place to find out what is happening! Have a great summer!!

Summer Series – What is…..?

Our Summer Worship, Café Style, continues through the summer.  This means we have chairs around tables for you to consume your refreshments as we worship.

We think this is a great service to bring your visitors and friends to – even if they don’t usually come to church.

The theme is “What is……..?” looking at things like Church, Worship, Communion and Discipleship so the teaching will be great.


If you are able, please come along to church on Saturday afternoon around 4 pm to help re-arrange the chairs for the Sunday Services. Thank you.

Starting Next Week


This is a new initiative by Delia and a few others to provide a lunch for children during the Summer Holidays. This will happen every Tuesday and Thursday between 11.30 am and 12.30 pm. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Details are here: Lunchbox Please get the word out to families in Ripon – using Social Media if you can.

Note you can also help families who are finding it difficult to make ends meet by contributing to the Food Bank box in the Narthex at church. The food bank particularly need tinned vegetables and meals.

Looking Forward

We have many events and activities coming up over the next few months. Everything is listed in “What’s Coming Up Soon” which you can find below, but here are some things we think you might want to know about.

Digging Deeper

John Rutter is planning to run a course “Digging Deeper” into scripture.

Digging Deeper is a 6 week Bible Study group which is being provisionally planned for this autumn. If you are interested please leave your details here: Digging Deeper and John will be in touch later in the summer.

Renew Ripon

Renew Ripon will continue to meet over the summer. Meeting on a Monday morning at 11.30 am and a Tuesday evening from 6.30 pm.

If you need some escape time – or you know someone who does then please give Renew Ripon a try.

BOOST (With a Difference)

Boost is combining, Breakfast Club, Messy Church and BOOST this year. We hope you can come.

All happening on Tuesday 30 August through to Friday 2 September between 8.30 am and lunch time. BOOST

Sunflower Competition

If you have been growing sunflowers we plan to judge the sunflowers at our 10.30 am service on 4 September. Keep feeding and watering and hopefully you will have some blooms to show us. More details to follow before the end of August.

Harvest Adventure

We are once again really pleased to announce that we are holding a Harvest Adventure in September. Full details here: Harvest Adventure There are 2 weeks to choose from in September or even an option to meet once a week for 4 or 5 weeks. Please check this out – it is very good!

Book Club

We already have some interest in this. But we are leaving the sign-up for those interested over the summer. If you want to get involved in a Christian Book Club leave your details here and Michelle will be in touch. Book Club

Our Services over the next week or so

Sunday 31 July

Theme: Summer Worship: What is Church gathered?
Luke 2: 41-49

9 am Holy Communion

10.30 Summer Worship

Monday to Thursday

8.30 am Morning Prayer

Thursday 4 August

11.30 am Holy Communion

If you are looking at this notice page after the beginning of August all our services are listed in the “What’s Coming Up Soon” section below.

Mission Partner Prayer Focus

Our Prayer focus for the next few weeks is Artizan International.

Please pray in general for the work of Artizan International who provide employment opportunities for disabled people in South America producing items for sale.

Pray for the team in the UK and overseas that they are safe and able to do their work.

Pray for the disabled people that Artizan are helping and for those who have not been helped yet.

Pray for success in making and selling of items through Artizan International.

What’s Coming Up Soon


We received a lovely Thank You note from Izzy this week. We’ve left the card in the Narthex. Izzy raised £400 from the event but also talks about the wonderful time she had worshipping: dancing at midnight; painting at 4 am; and just the amazing atmosphere.

Thank you Izzy.

Other News and Events 

In2Out Here is July’s prayer update: In2Out

Rocha If you are interested in the environment please take a look at the latest news from Rocha – a Christian organisation focussing on environmental matters: Rocha

City of Sanctuary (National) are aiming to have a Fund Raising effort this Christmas and need some help. Full details here: City of Sanctuary 

CPAS One of our Mission Partners offers a number of Christian Holiday Clubs in the Summer. Please check out this link for prayer action or to find out more details CPAS

Diocese and About

Here is the latest e-news from the Diocese E-News

Ripon Cathedral e-news. Ripon Cathedral

Categories: News